Sermon ❯

Pastor Ron Sunday Service September 10

Primary Text: Luke 9:23-25 Supporting Text: Luke 16:19-31; Ga. 2:20

And he said to them all If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow me. Before sketching out the life that the true disciples of a suffering King Messiah must lead on earth, our Lord seems to have given notice of one of his public discourses. Even though his great popularity was now on the wane, to the last he was evidently listened to by crowds, if not with enthusiasm, certainly with eager and impatient curiosity. The sermon, of which we have the outline in the next five verses, and the subject matter of which was, “No cross, no crown,” was preached evidently to the masses. This is plain from the opening words of Luke 9:23. The sermon was evidently a hard saying, and, no doubt, gave bitter offense to many of the hearers. “If any man will,” that is, wishes to, “come after me, to follow me where I am going” (Jesus was going to his kingdom), “let that man be prepared to give up earthly ease and comfort, and be ready to bear the sufferings which will be sure to fall on him if he struggles after holiness.” This readiness to give up ease, this willingness to bear suffering, will be a matter, they must remember, of everyday experience. The terrible simile with which the Lord pressed his stern lesson home was, of course, suggested to him by the clear view he had of the fearful end of his own earthly life—an end then so near at hand, though the disciples guessed it not. The cross was no unknown image to the Jews who that day listened to the Master. The gloomy procession of robbers and of rebels against Rome, each condemned one bearing to the place of death the cross on which he was to suffer, was a sadly familiar image in their unhappy land. Making the achievement of happiness and pleasure our goal in life instead of living in God’s will and by His principles will end in disappointment and loss. To renounce our own ways and live in fellowship with Jesus, basing our lives on the teachings of His Word, is to find true life and joy.

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