Wilt Though Revive Us
This message was delivered in the morning service on October 15, 2023.
Primary Text: Psalm 85:1-7 Supporting Text: Ps. 119:105, 130; 2 Chr. 7:14; Ps. 100:2; 1 Th. 5:17 Wise believers pray, “Lord, send revival, and let it begin with me!”
How can we be God’s vessels to lead a lost world to Christ if we ourselves are not stirred up spiritually? Psalm 85:6 Will you not revive us again, that your people may rejoice in you? •• “Revive us,” Lord! That’s a noble goal to have. But now what about how to be revived spiritually? God will certainly do His part. Our focus today will be: what is our part? What do we need to be doing to receive that reviving touch from the Lord? •• We’ve been praying for heaven-sent revival to come upon our portion of Oregon. That’s a worthy hope. But for that divine visitation, that powerful move of God, to come upon our region, it will first need to come upon us, His people. Jesus said to His followers, “Keep your lamps burning” (Luke 12:35). Many of us need to get fired up again for the Lord. We’re asking the Lord to “revive us again”. Three key words: • revive — we need to be stirred up by God’s Holy Spirit, to be given a heavenly dose of spiritual excitement, of greater devotion to Him, of an enlarged motivation to minister in His name to a lost world. • us — If God wished, He could preach the Gospel directly from heaven. But instead, He has chosen to use us, His followers on earth. For spiritual revival to come to the lost, it is vitally important that we be revived and stirred to greater levels of effectiveness for the Lord. • again — Many of us have lived through great experiences with the Lord. Some of us have participated in exciting times of widespread spiritual revival. Historically, in the years between those stirring times, God’s people often tend to cool down, to lose some of their former fervor for the Lord’s work on earth.
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