Sermon ❯

Pastor Ron Sunday Service May 5

Primary Text: Isaiah 40:29-31

What Israel wanted in captivity the Church of Christ now needs in its present situation, surrounded by an unsympathizing or even hostile world. It lacks power to do that which it was created to accomplish. Potentially, it has within itself all that is required to complete the great work of regeneration which its Divine Master began; in simple fact and in sad reality, it has failed to discharge its function. Every Church should be a great power for good in the country, in the neighborhood in which it is planted; every Christian man should be a real power for piety and virtue in the circle in which he moves. We ought to have power to “witness a good profession for Jesus Christ,” power to live an elevating, influential life, power to execute a useful and abiding work for cur Lord.

They that “wait” upon the Lord…the Hebrew word for “wait” is to “bind together.” When we bind our lives together with Christ’s life, our strength is renewed and we can walk and not be weary, and run and not faint.

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