Sermon ❯

Pastor Ron Sunday Service February 25, 2024

Primary Text: Luke 9:23-24

Supporting Text: Luke 14:28-33; 2 Timothy 2:3-4; 1 Peter 5:7-10

The cross of Christ is a symbol of suffering, death, shame, ridicule, rejection, and self denial. When we as believers take up our cross and follow Christ, we deny our own selves and commit ourselves to three areas of struggle and suffering:

1. We suffer in a lifelong battle against sin by crucifying our own fleshly desires.

2. We suffer in a war against Satan in the powers of darkness as we advance the kingdom of God. We experience both the hostility of the adversary with his demonic host in the persecution which comes from standing against false teachers who distorted the true gospel.

3. We suffer the reproach, hatred, and ridicule of the world by testifying in love that it’s deeds are evil, by separating ourselves from Ed both morally and spiritually in by refusing to accept its standards or philosophy as our own.

4. Like Jesus, we may also suffer ridicule and persecution from the religious world.

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