Sermon ❯

Pastor Ron Sunday Service April 21, 2024

Primary Text: Jeremiah 29:11-14

Supporting Text: Joh. 3:15-17; 1 Jn. 4:9-10; 1Pe. 1:3; 2 Pe. 3:9

Jeremiah prophesied that at the end of the 70-year captivity, a new fullness of time would occur. God would then move within a holy remnant so that they would seek him in prayer with all their hearts. Thereupon God would listen, answer from heaven, and fulfill his promise of restoration. God’s thoughts toward His people are always thoughts of peace. He is at peace with them through the atoning blood of Jesus Christ. He delights in them; He seeks their peace, He creates their peace, He sustains their peace, and thus all His thoughts toward them are peace.

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